Arizona Elopement Photographer

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Fall Mountainside Proposal // Smoky Mountains National Park // Hannah + AJ

This day was truly one of the most magical days.

I reached out to Hannah back in August to set up a photoshoot with her and AJ at one of my bucket list locations, the Smoky Mountains. Check out my bucket list locations HERE. We went through all the steps of planning the session leading up to their session in October. I sent them several locations to look through and we went back and forth deciding on the perfect outfits. Hannah and AJ booked a hotel in downtown Gatlinburg, we had our shoot together completely planned out, and we were STOKED.

About three weeks from their session date, I had a last minute cancellation. I was supposed to be shooting a second couple in the smokies a few days before Hannah and AJ and I was to shoot both couples at separate locations around the smokies for some variety. But, once this cancellation happened, I offered Hannah and AJ the other couple’s original location and it was just too beautiful to say no to! So, we swapped our session location and all the details were hammered down for the day-of.

Then, four days before their session date, Hannah’s mom reached out to me on Instagram sharing with me that AJ would like to propose during our shoot at the Smoky Mountains and I was BEYOND EXCITED to hear this. I have actually known Hannah since we were in the 7th grade. We met during our awkward phase and have watched each other grow, go to school, get jobs, and now fall in love! So, to be a part of someone’s story that you’ve known for so long is truly something special!

Hannah’s mom passed on my cell number to AJ and he contacted me a few days later. AJ expressed how much he loved Hannah and his gratitude for the opportunity to have their photos taken in such a beautiful location. We discussed the proposal and planned for me to mention a phrase, “the lighting here is absolutely perfect,” so AJ knew when to propose.

On the day of their session, Hannah and AJ drove from their home in Nashville and I met up with them at their hotel in Gatlinburg so that we could ride together to the trail head to make sure that we all arrived safely to the location since there’s typically no service in many places around National Parks. On the way to the trail Hannah and I caught up on life since we hadn’t seen one another since 2015. While we were chatting Hannah mentioned that whenever she and AJ decided to elope, I would be their photographer. And little did she know that the proposal was coming sooner than she imagined!

We arrived to the trail head and embarked on our two mile hike to the top. When I tell you guys that the pictures don’t do the view justice, I mean it! The view at the top was absolutely incredible. When we arrived, we all shared how happy we were for the location change and that this was just THE PERFECT spot for that evening’s events.

Hannah went off to change and AJ and I confirmed that we’d have the proposal happen in their second outfit, which was more formal. We spent about 30 minutes in the first outfit running and rolling through the grass and admiring the insane colors rolling over the mountains. Then, it was time. They both changed into their second outfit and we walked over to another location with mountain views. I had them do a few prompts and poses and then I gave AJ the cue. It was seriously beautiful and Hannah told us how surprised that she was! We finished the session as blue hour began in a large field overlooking even more mountains. TRULYYY a magical day. I seriously couldn’t have ended up with anyone more fitting for a shoot in the smokies!

Congrats Hannah and AJ! I can’t wait to spend some time together in Arizona!

Check out more mountainside engagement sessions here!

See this gallery in the original post

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