Rainy Beach Sunset Engagement Session // Topsail, NC // Victoria + Jason

Victoria and Jason have been dating since 2019! They met back in middle school, but never really thought much of one another and weren’t really friends either. However, junior year of high school Victoria and Jason ran into each other again. She was walking to her physics class and Jason held the door open for her as she was walking in. She looked at him and said “Oh, hi.” Being the shy person that she was, saying those two little words was more than normal for her, but they just flowed so naturally, even after so much time. They began talking to one another, hanging out, and going on dates. Which led to the moment when Victoria knew that Jason was the one!

Victoria knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Jason when they both became super comfortable with one another and started joking around and he understood her sarcasm. Their conversations were never forced, even from the beginning. They share different perspectives on certain things, but respect each others beliefs, challenge one another, and bring out the best in one another.

One specific moment Victoria mentioned that it clicked for her that she knew she wanted to be with him forever was when they were sitting in the Sonic parking lot for 3 hours. Just talking. No phones, no music, no distractions, just each other. After this evening, they continued to just occasionally take off on a drive, find somewhere to park, just talk and enjoy each others company.

Victoria and Jason had recently moved to Fayetteville, NC when they found me for their engagement session. They had a vision of having their photos taken on a beach somewhere, so we headed to Topsail! One of my favorite beaches is out here with access to a beautiful beach and wetlands area, creating some diversity in location for their photos.

We ended up having to start their session a little early since a thunderstorm would be rolling in later in the evening. We began their session on the wetlands side of the beach with Victoria’s off-the-shoulder white dress paired with Jason’s Army working uniform for their more formal outfit. When we headed over to the ocean side of the beach, they did a quick outfit change to more casual outfits, jeans and khakis. Since Victoria was now in pants, it was time to get into the good stuff - lot’s of movement! Insane piggy back rides, spinning around in circles, and splashing through the water - always my favorite part of a beach session!

We were wrapping up our session in the water when it started sprinkling. As soon as we grabbed all of our things and started heading back, the clouds just broke completely loose and we all got drenched heading to our cars! Nevertheless, it was an amazing evening with these two!

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Check out more engagement sessions like this one!

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